We move to include second order corrections in the
vertex which is expected to mitigating the effects of the underestimation
to the vertex in the FLEX. This lessens the difference in magnitude between the QMC
and self-energy within the Ansatz (as observed in Fig. 3.7) and
thus increase the applicability of the MSMB method to lower
Fig. 3.9 compares the imaginary part of the self-energy
at lowest Matsubara frequency for various degrees of approximation.
In contrast to the gross overestimation of the first order
approximation to , the inclusion of second order in
corrections within the MSMB method successfully captures the long
length-scale features of the large single-cluster QMC self-energy
throughout most of the Brillouin zone. The largest deviations in the
multi-scale self-energy are found about the corners of the Brillouin
zone i.e.
. Within the Ansatz, the difference of the
small and large cluster
self-energy provides the long
length-scale features thus partially restoring the self-energy
information which was lost by coarse graining to the small QMC
cluster. However, using a
self-energy with a negative
imaginary part which is considerably larger than that of the small
cluster QMC result in an overestimation of this correction,
predominately in regions encompassed by steep gradients in the self-energy.
Fig. 3.10 further illustrates the pathology of the Ansatz associated with the difference in magnitude of the cluster
We show the imaginary part of the self-energy as obtained by the
various -approximations on the large cluster in comparison to
the large single-cluster QMC result.
The magnitude of the negative imaginary part of the self-consistent
FLEX (first order in
approximation) self-energy is, as was
previously indicated, very large compared to the magnitude of the QMC
result. The new approach of including second order corrections in
in the vertex function, succeeds in yielding a self-energy which
resembles that of the QMC more closely. Similarly to the numeric
instability encountered with the FLEX approximation, the self-consistent
determination of the
self-energy using the large cluster
Ansatz also
yields a larger self-energy but doesn't encounter the catastrophic
divergence of the FLEX. We find that a second order
with a non-self-consistent Ansatz provides the best multi-scale
solution to the problem.
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Now that we have established the viability of the MSMB technique we
take a closer look at the dependence of the small cluster size on the
quality of the multi-scale result. Within the MSMB method the QMC
constitutes the computationally most expensive part. Hence, we want to
restrict the calculations to the smallest possible QMC cluster
() without any significant loss of quality in the
multi-scale results. It is therefore important to study the dependence
of the multi-scale results on the size of the small cluster.
Fig. 3.11 shows the multi-scale self-energy for a
variety of small cluster sizes as obtained by the MSMB method using
the second order approximation to the vertex. It is apparent
that a cluster size of
is too small to adequately
capture the main
dependence (overall magnitude) of the QMC's
self-energy. Considering such a small QMC cluster grossly
misrepresents the range of the QMC self-energy
and is not recovered in the MSMB method. This is an indication that
correlations beyond the length-scales of the small cluster are still significant and not
sufficiently well approximated by the
-method. A small
cluster size of
on the other hand, appears adequate and
only slightly underestimates the self-energy in the vicinity of
.In this area we continually observe significant remnants
of the coarse graining of the
QMC which is inadequately restored by the MSMB method.
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Up to this point we have focused our investigation on the momentum dependence of the self energy at small Matsubara frequency. Since the visual representation of the self-energy features at multiple, larger Matsubara frequencies would be cumbersome, we proceed to further illustrate the strengths of this MSMB technique by focusing on the presence of spin-charge separation in the system which is manifest in the full frequency dependent self-energy.
One dimensional systems have been shown to be non-Fermi liquids. Amongst other unique features they are known to exhibit spin-charge separation(19,21,20). This very intriguing property manifests itself by the complete decoupling of spin and charge degrees of freedom. The single-particle spectra of such systems exhibits two unique peaks corresponding to either spin or charge excitations which move independently of each other. Due to the involved nature of extracting spectra from the MSMB method, we are at this time unable to directly identify the presence of any such feature in our results. One characteristic of such a separation however, is the presence of two distinct velocities corresponding to charge and spin respectively. Following an approach by Zacher(22), we examine the MSMB Matsubara frequency Green's function to the possible presence of spin-charge separation. This is done by fitting Green's function obtained from the MSMB method to that of the Luttinger model solution
where and
are the spin and charge velocities and
is a normalization constant.
We use the approximation for the correlation exponent
which is deemed
sufficient by Zacher for purposes of identifying the presence of two
different velocities. In order to accurately perform a fit with our
data we need to additionally coarse grain (see Eq. 3.5) the
Luttinger liquid Green's function to obtain a fitting function in-line
with the idea of the DCA. This fit yields values for both the spin and
charge velocities when fitted at
which is the DCA momentum
closest to the Fermi wave vector. This specific choice of
is motivated by fact that the Luttinger model solution is based on a
low energy approximation of the Hubbard model where a linearized
dispersion around the Fermi vector is assumed. For the parameters in
Fig. 3.12 the Fermi wave vector (
) falls
into the cluster cell about
![]() |
Fig. 3.12 shows the spin and charge velocities ( and
respectively) obtained by using the single cluster QMC results
for smaller cluster sizes and multi-scale results for larger ones.
For intermediate cluster sizes, where both the QMC and the MSMB method
are feasible, we see a good match between the two methods. For larger
cluster sizes where the QMC approach becomes infeasible the
multi-scale results fall close to the QMC extrapolated values.
Furthermore, as we extrapolate the multi-scale results to the infinite
cluster size limit we find two different velocities:
. These values compare rather well to those obtained by
Zacher's et. al.(22) grand-canonical QMC calculation
for a cluster size of 64,
and all other parameters equal to ours:
. Although the temperature in
Fig. 3.12 is slightly higher compared to that of Zacher's
results, we observed only a small temperature dependence of the fitted
velocities in our calculations. The similarity between the two
results are quite remarkable considering that our calculations were
based on a substantially smaller 8 site QMC cluster and hence less
subject to the sign-problem 3.2. These are
yet further indications that the MSMB method indeed successfully
captures the long length-scale physics of the model and is in good
quantitative agreement with large single-cluster QMC calculations.